About the whetstone
I'm a beginner. Is there anything I should be careful about when sharpening a knife?
There are three things to be especially careful about.
① Flatten the surface of the whetstone.
② Sharpen thoroughly with a coarse whetstone, then sharpen with a medium whetstone.
③ Once you start sharpening, keep the blade at a flat angle.
Also, if you are not used to it, we do not recommend sharpening two or three tools in a row. Your hands will get tired and it will be difficult to maintain the lying angle.
How often do you sharpen?
The sharpness varies depending on the knife, purpose, and usage. It is time to sharpen when you feel that the sharpness has decreased while using it.
What is particle size?
Grain size refers to the roughness (size of grains) of the abrasive material contained in the whetstone.
The roughness of a whetstone is usually indicated by a # and a number, such as #1000, and is referred to as "mesh 1000" or "number 1000."
The lower the number, the rougher the grain size, and the stronger the grinding force. A whetstone with a low number (coarse) is mainly used for chipping, repairing the blade, and making the basics of the blade.
On the other hand, the larger the number, the finer the grains of the abrasive and the weaker the grinding power, but by gradually increasing the grain size, the cutting edge will become sharper.
What order should I use for the grain size of the whetstone?
Please use the whetstones in order from the lowest number to the highest number.
Example: Rough whetstone (#220) → Medium whetstone (#1000) → Finishing whetstone (#4000) → Super finishing whetstone (#8000)
Is water necessary when sharpening?
Improves the slippage between the whetstone and knife, making sharpening easier. Water is also used to prevent frictional heat generated during sharpening. Please sprinkle a small amount of water on the whetstone from time to time to prevent the surface from drying out.
How to remove burrs
Gently place the edge of the blade against the surface of the whetstone and stroke it several times to remove any burrs. You can also use newspaper, etc.
Kaeri is also called bari or makure.
Which whetstone is best for repairing chipped blades?
Sharpen the entire blade with a rough whetstone (#220 to #400) that has abrasive power until there are no loose edges, then sharpen it with a medium whetstone.
What kind of mud comes out when sharpening? Can I wash it off with water?
It's mud mixed with water, scraped whetstones, and the abrasives and steel it contains. It is also called Togijiru or Todoro.
It has the effect of increasing grinding power and polishing power, so please use it as is without washing it off.
Why is the number of times a knife needs to be sharpened the same depending on where it is sharpened?
Just like a whetstone, when you sharpen a knife, it gradually becomes sharper. Therefore, if you keep sharpening the knife at different times, the shape of the entire knife will eventually change and the knife will not cut properly.
Can you sharpen both steel and stainless steel?
It can be used regardless of whether the knife is made of steel or stainless steel.
Whetstone for sharpening ceramic knives
Please use Ebi-jirushi diamond square whetstone or diamond square whetstone for ceramic knives.
Ceramic is very hard and cannot be sharpened with a regular whetstone.
About wet cloths and anti-slip sheets
Placing the whetstone stand on a tightly wrung out cloth or non-slip sheet will allow for more stable knife sharpening. By laying down a wet cloth, you can reduce the amount of water and polishing fluid that stains the sink.
About the discoloration and pattern of the whetstone
Due to the manufacturing method of the whetstone, there may be partial discoloration or patterns may appear due to storage conditions, temperature, etc.
It does not affect the quality and can be used as is.
What does "to attach a blade" and "to attach a blade" mean?
Changing a dull blade to a sharp one is expressed as ``to attach a blade'' or ``to make a sharp blade.''
About whetstone maintenance
Grindstone maintenance
As the whetstone is used, it gets scraped and dented. Even if you sharpen with a whetstone with a concave surface, you will not get a sharp edge, so after you finish sharpening, please use a refacing whetstone to flatten the surface of the whetstone.
If there is a small scratch on the whetstone when using a resurfacing whetstone
A resurfacing whetstone is not a whetstone used to clean the surface, but rather a whetstone used to flatten the surface of the whetstone.
Scratches may occur depending on the manufacturing method and grain size of the whetstone used.
[Example of damage]
When using the rough grain of a resurfacing whetstone as a finishing whetstone, you can eliminate scratches on the surface of the whetstone by rubbing the surface using a whetstone with a grain size similar to that of the resurfacing whetstone.
If the surface of the whetstone is dug. If it is gouged out.
If you continue to use it as is, the blade may get caught and cause injury. If you do make a hole, use a resurfacing whetstone to grind the entire surface of the whetstone until the hole you dug is gone.
What is clogging and blindness?
Clogging is a condition in which the abrasive material on the surface of the whetstone is clogged and hidden.
If it is clogged, the blade will not hit the abrasive material and will not be able to sharpen.
It is necessary to scrape the surface with a resurfacing whetstone or a whetstone with a grain size similar to the whetstone you are using to release the abrasive material.
What is co-rubbing?
This refers to rubbing the grindstones against each other. Perform this when the surface of the grinding wheel becomes clogged (clogged).
Is it okay to wash the whetstone with hot water or detergent?
Do not use detergent, just wash with water. Please do not use this as it may cause qualitative changes to the whetstone. Room temperature (10-30℃) water is suitable for handling the whetstone.
Regarding the location of the whetstone
Do not leave it outdoors, in direct sunlight, or in freezing environments. Weathering and freezing may cause cracks and cracks.
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About the processing method of whetstones
Please discard according to the classification of each local government.